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Showing posts from January, 2016

Adxstudio Portal how to: Incremental (Sequential) Deployment and backup. Part I

Portal 365/Adxstudio portal deployment short review WebsiteCopy tool      The most common way to deploy crm portal is copy it with Adx WebsiteCopy tool that is delivered with the portal. Do not confuse the Adx WebsiteCopy tool with the same name tool from crm sdk bin folder. They are different. The tool located in the crm sdk   bin folder has a limited functionality. I cannot say what going to happen when the Adx portal will be a part of MS CRM License (will it be?) but keep using an original tool for now.       There are few issues always happen to me with WebsiteCopy tool. As an example I found that grid metadata has to be manually restored after deployment etc. Nothing serious but uncomfortable and time consuming.     Sequential Deployment with WebsiteCopy duplicates the portals and their components. To work with a new portal you can rename the old one or try to delete it. Delete is relatively ea...

Make Dynamics Crm Advanced Find meet your client needs.

         I've been requested to modify Advanced Find filters and results  programmatically probably five times in my Dynamics CRM career. There were different reasons like monitoring/auditing of users searches, restricting of sensitive information, filtering search results, hiding parts of returning data from selected users etc.          Most popular scenario for interference into Advanced Find is to keep field security consistent. Given you have two forms for Contact entity. One form contains sensitive info like address, phone etc. Other form  is for public use. Access to forms is role based. Security profile cannot be set due to design limitations. The catch here in Advanced Find. Any user who has permissions for Contact entity can create AF view and see the contact phone.            From customization perspe...